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MaryAine Curtis

MaryAiñe Curtis is a member of Associated Bodywork and Massage Professionals(ABMP). She studied Cranio Sacral therapy, Somato Emotional Release and Heart Centered Therapy through the Upledger Institute curriculum. She is a Master Rapid Eye Technologist, and member of the Overlight Healing Team. She can be heard speaking twice a month on the community radio show at Deeper Than Memory, Deeper Money on 97.3 FM, focused on the connection of women and relationships On her off time, and to find healing inspiration for the programs she offers, MaryAine loves to hike with her Bodhi pup where she resides in a little ocean town on the California coastline. She spends as much joyful time as possible with her grandsons,family, her sweetheart and dear friends.

Stop the Drama Train

Hi, this is MaryAiñe Curtis of Return2Joy. and today I want to talk about overwhelm, the drama train, getting off of that, crisis, the wheel that goes around and around. I used to be really good in a crisis and…

It’s Another BM Moment

Hi, this is MaryAiñe and I had a conversation with someone the other day who called and wanted to know about relieving anxiety and old behavior, things that had happened to them in the past. They were naturally quite disturbed…

Post Traumatic Stress

This is MaryAiñe of Return2Joy. Post-traumatic stress is on my mind at the moment. You know that is PTSD and it’s not just something that happens in war time to military, it also happens to regular people. When you have…

Taking Test

Taking Test

I was asked today about test. This is MaryAiñe of Return to Joy. Anxiety over testing… Wow Let’s talk about that!  That goes back to wanting approval,getting hot and sweaty when you are under pressure, you know you’ve got to…