Hi, this is MaryAiñe Curtis of Return2Joy. and today I want to talk about overwhelm, the drama train, getting off of that, crisis, the wheel that goes around and around.
I used to be really good in a crisis and I prided myself on that. I had anxiety and overwhelm and panic all the time! It just happened regularly, I lived in that. And that was over 24 years ago. I have since learned how to get out of that, I helped others to get out of that and if you were having that kind of a reaction, you know when you get into an argument with someone you get into a situation, you get hot, your stomach clenches up, your whole body is tight, that’s the kind of stuff I’m talking about.
You don’t have to live there anymore. I can help you change that if you’re ready to change so contact me, let’s have a conversation and see how you can change and have a more peaceful more serene life. Until then, make it a great day!