MaryAine Curtis - Modern Day Priestess Part 3 - Answering the Call

MaryAine Curtis – Modern Day Priestess Part 3 – Answering the Call

Answering the call… So this is MaryAiñe. Yeah, and I am a modern day priestess initiate. I’m really coming to be more comfortable with that idea, that presence, that personality coming out in me because she’s been waiting for a really long time to be heard. It began with answering the call and that is exactly what was on Elaine Khalila daddy’s message. I don’t know how I stumbled across it, but the first thing was answering the car call, are you ready? You feel it, you yearn for it. It’s something is like speaks my language. And when I first saw the video with Elaine Khalila, I was like, Oh my gosh, I know you. I recognize you. The energy, what you’re putting out there, what you’re presencing is what I’ve been waiting for, what I’ve been looking for now, this lineage, the Avalonian lineage of the 13 moon mystery school is more of a Celtic base than some of the others.

And as what I have been, you know, naturally as a child, I read the stories based in these areas and the part of my lineage that is Scottish and Irish, I was already steeped in it. So it was waking up the cells in me that were just ripe, right for picking. So answering the call was the first process that I went through. And, and as we do our owl chemical temple online, we have, we create the space energetically to learn and to study and to come together and to witness and witnessing your sister and her growth and her initiation is so powerful. It’s not trying to fix, it’s not comparing to my injuries, it’s witnessing what you are going through and what you’re learning. And we resonate with each other because we all have similar things that have happened where it’s kind of like we’re climbing out of the muck that we’ve been stuck in, particularly after the burning years that the horrible things and the women that got us the vote, the suffer gets the horrible treatment that they had.

We’re learning to rise up from that. And it is a fierce voice. And the ferocity is that of the mother, lion of the mother. Bear of the, I know this is right for me. This is the, that I feel comfortable on. I’m drawn to. And so what we study is the archetypes and the archetypes of the goddess. We have the 12 and then the alchemical goddess is 13, so it’s still, it’s the same. It’s very familiar that we have so many twelves and thirteens, you know, and the apostles in the round table, um, is something that is comfortable and it’s all looking inward, is all looking and to our temple inside of us through the lens of the goddess of the month. And I’ll give you more information about that in the next video. So thank you so much for watching and feel free to comment, contact me through my email or text message and we’ll have a conversation and help you, um, answer any questions you may have right

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MaryAine Curtis
MaryAiñe Curtis is a member of Associated Bodywork and Massage Professionals(ABMP). She studied Cranio Sacral therapy, Somato Emotional Release and Heart Centered Therapy through the Upledger Institute curriculum. She is a Master Rapid Eye Technologist, and member of the Overlight Healing Team. She can be heard speaking twice a month on the community radio show at Deeper Than Memory, Deeper Money on 97.3 FM, focused on the connection of women and relationships On her off time, and to find healing inspiration for the programs she offers, MaryAine loves to hike with her Bodhi pup where she resides in a little ocean town on the California coastline. She spends as much joyful time as possible with her grandsons,family, her sweetheart and dear friends.
Articles: 14